Friday, July 29, 2011
The pictures on our blog have vanished into thin air (or in this case cyber space). I'm not sure what went wrong and I am hoping that they reappear in the future. Until then I will continue to post new entries, a starting over of sorts, which works out well considering how much catching up I need to do.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Audrey turns 5 (OMG!!!!)
Audrey has been waiting to turn 5 since she was about 3. I don't know what it is about this magic age, but to Audrey it couldn't come any sooner. At last the day had arrived and so we threw our princess a party fit for.... well a princess of course!
The Birthday Girl
"I want a party too."
I can't tell if the look on Rachel's face is determination (to beat David at skeet ball) or frustration (because she is getting beat by David at skeet ball).
Pizza for the princesses.
Olivia tried really hard not to smile for this picture.
Can you tell she's having a good time?
Aunt Amanda and Kelly - Pretty Pretty Princesses.
"Happy Birthday to you....."
Make a wish
Elizabeth showed us the best way to eat a cupcake.
Apparently only the frosting matters.
While Audrey was opening her gifts.......
Olivia took the time to steal her sister's thunder and walk by herself for the first time!
"Oh Olivia..."
"I'm goin in"
"I'm comin out"
"I'm goin in"
"I'm comin out"
"Ok, Ok, I'm goin in"
"Nope. I'm comin out"
"Alright I made it in"
"Now get me out!"
Audrey finished off her birthday night with another round of Wii games. She had become addicted during our stay and had also become quite good at bowling and boxing.
She takes her Wii ing very seriously.
Christmas Fun
This year we spent Christmas in Maryland with Jeremy's family. There was lots of fun to be had. Here are some pictures of how we spent our holidays.

Before we left for our trip to Maryland Jeremy and Audrey made an adorable gingerbread house.
So cute!
All the kids on Christmas Eve (We even included the biggest kid of all)
Yahoo presents!!!
"Screw the presents, I love how yummy the wrapping paper is!" (She actually chewed on and swallowed about 4 pieces before we stopped her.)
All the big kids, I mean adults, got together to jam on Rock Band. Jeremy was the lead singer - I laughed until I cried!
"ROCK ON!!!!!!!"
Daddy reading a Christmas Eve bedtime story to his girls. "Geez Audrey show a little enthusiasm - SANTA'S COMING!"
Audrey and Olivia in their matching Christmas pj's leaving milk and cookies for Santa. (I love how Olivia's tutu is up around her chest and she's showing off her little belly.)
Christmas Morning at last!
Merry Christmas Rachel and David!
And Daddy in his lovely bathrobe.
Reading the note that Santa had left.
Let the present opening begin!!!!!
"I'll say! That girl can get down right ripe sometimes!"
1st Ravens jersey
Audrey's favorite gift was a Fur Real dog. She was soooo wanting this for Christmas and her Uncle Josh and Aunt Amanda delivered.
"Wow it's so life like!" (This is actually Cali - the family dog.)
"A present for me?!"
A little monkey for our little monkey.
How appropriate.
She loved getting her own baby doll.
The day after Christmas the family came over to watch the Ravens game on tv. Audrey was all set sportin her new jersey.
Meanwhile as everyone was into watching the game.... Olivia took the opportunity to sneak off to the candy bowl.
But then the Big Bad Daddy caught her and took her straight away!
Who knew that you could have so much fun with just a cup of water and a straw.
Sassy girls
Trampoline fun
"The holidays are exhausting."
Merry Christmas 2010!
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