Monday, November 30, 2009

Turkey Day

This year Audrey was old enough to sit at the kids table with all of her cousins. She loved the fact that her Mommy and Daddy were not with her to nag her about eating her vegies. She chose to make her own sandwich with the dinner rolls, turkey, and of course the cranberry sauce!

After dinner Audrey spent some time jammin with her Daddy on the video game Rock Band.

We closed the evening with some family pictures to celebrate Olivia's first Thanksgiving. After many tries we were somewhat successful. (We will take what we can get)

Maybe we won't be sending out a Christmas photo card this year after all!

Olivia's first Thanksgiving

New Do

After months of contiplation we decided that it was time to bid farewell to Audrey's long hair. We planned a special day with her Nana at her "big girl" salon. Here is her "before" picture.

While waiting for her name to be called, Audrey wanted to read a magazine like the other women in the waiting area. I wonder if she agrees with this years pick for "Sexiest Man Alive" (Mommy does not).

Let the transformation begin!

She was so patient, and kept very still. (An amazing accomplishment for any 3 year old)

Almost done!

Here is her "after" picture. I think that she likes it!

Audrey and her Nana after their day of beauty.

Audrey wanted to keep posing for more pictures with her new hair. This one is a favorite.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fall fun

Today Audrey helped her Daddy with raking up the massive amounts of leaves that have fallen in our front and back yards. I could hear them laughing up a storm so I decided to go out and take some pics to capture the fun that was being had.

Audrey had to take a break to pose for some pictures.

Audrey was having a great time playing in the leaves until Jeremy teased her about all the bugs that were probably on them. She wanted nothing more to do with them after that!

One month old!

Olivia showing her self off.

Now a little camera shy.

On Wednesday Olivia turned one month old. Audrey wanted to throw her a birthday party with balloons, cupcakes, and music. I told her that Olivia was too young to enjoy a cupcake, and as you can guess Audrey offered to eat one for her. Our party plans were ruined by a massive temper tantrum (Audrey), gas (Olivia), and extreme exhaustion (Mommy). We will try for next month.
Since Olivia's arrival life has been slightly hectic, but we wouldn't trade it for anything (not even a full nights sleep). Olivia is such a great baby. She loves to cuddle, in fact she hates to be put down. Jeremy and I are such suckers that we indulge her and one of us always has Olivia in our lap. Her first two weeks were slow with weight gain due to feeding issues, but she has made up for it. At her two week visit her weight was 7 pounds, 10 ounces (her birth weight was 7 pounds, 13 ounces and she dropped to 7 pounds, 3 ounces)but at her one month visit her weight was 9 pounds, 5 ounces. She is back on track and eating up a storm. I am sure that she will be off the charts just like Audrey in no time. Unlike her big sister, Olivia is no fashionista. She hates getting dressed, and the more fuss an outfit requires the more she fusses. She loves getting dressed at night though because that means comfy jammies. (Just like her Mommy) Olivia does love having her hair brushed. After her bath last night I was brushing her hair and she started smiling and cooing. It was the cutest thing ever! I tried to put a bow in her hair but it is still too short - it will happen soon enough. (You knew this was coming as Audrey had a bow in her hair every day for the first two years.) I think that Olivia has adjusted to life in our crazy house just fine. She sleeps right through Audrey's singing, yelling, screaming (happily), and being covered in dolls and My Little Ponies. Thank goodness she is so mellow - I hope it will last!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

This Halloween was special for a couple of reasons. The obvious being that it was Olivia's first, and that it was Audrey's first time going trick or treating from house to house (and at night!). Audrey was a fairy, and Olivia was our sweet lil' pumpkin. (I decided to keep the red eyes because I thought that it looked more festive, and it is especially appropriate for Audrey's mood these days.)

Olivia with cousin Andrew. (For this night aka "The King Of Ballard")

Cousin Anna joined Audrey to show her the ropes. After each house Audrey would run back to the sidewalk and scream "I got candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She was so excited and seemed pleasantly surprised that each house was so generous. Audrey was also very generous, when she got back to the house she wanted to go around and offer everyone a piece of her loot. She was just happy to have gathered it all up and had no real interest in eating much of it. I am sure that this will change next year.

It was a good night for Olivia too. She was all tuckered out when we got home.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How time flies!

It's hard to believe that Olivia is already 2 weeks old! The first couple of weeks at home have been pretty quiet. Olivia is very mellow, she only cries when she is hungry. She is content on being held, especially by her Daddy. She loves to cuddle up to him and rub her little fingers against his chin hair. She is eating like a champ and growing like a weed. I think that she will catch up to her big sister's baby weight in no time.

To celebrate the arrival of her new baby sister, Audrey enjoyed a special chocolate cupcake. I think that she enjoyed it!

Daddy (looking a little sleep deprived) with his girls. What a lucky guy!

Olivia received her much needed first bath after her umbilical stump fell off. She was very relaxed and loved having her hair washed. Good thing too because she has a lot of hair!

Audrey is such a great big sister. She loves to help with everything. And she also loves to make every moment a photo op. She is constantly getting next to Olivia and telling me to "take a picture of me and my baby". Melts my heart!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

In case you wanted more pictures!

Little peanut

So stinkin cute! (Note the crazy rock star hair in the making!)

Going home

Olivia did not like being put in the car seat and had no problem letting us know that she was extremely unhappy. I had to cover my ears she screamed so loud!

When we arrived home, Audrey gave Olivia her first doll and that made everything all better.

Taking a little snooze with Daddy.

Our two girls. Together at last!

We proudly present............

Olivia Jayne Ries decided to grace us with her presence 2 weeks before her official due date. She was born on October 11, 2009 at 5:01 am. Much to her parents disbelief (and Mommy's relief!), she weighed in at only 7 pounds, 13 ounces. It now remains a mystery as to why I grew to be so big. Perhaps there is a twin left in there or something!

Still can't believe how small she was! I never thought that we would have a chance to have an "average" size baby! We are so excited!

Olivia had many visitors in her first few hours of life. The most important (and beyond excited) being her big sister Audrey.

Olivia with her proud Papa!

Auntie Suz and Uncle Marc

In the arms of her Great Grammy.

I think that Grammy is very happy to be holding her third great grandbaby!

Great Aunt Nancy (aka Annie Nannie) thinks that Olivia is too pretty to pry her eyes away to look into the camera!

Great Aunt Jenny (We need to drop the "Great", much too young)!

Cousin Amanda. She said that she didn't like to hold babies. Olivia sucked her right in with her super power of extreme cuteness!