Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Summertime Fun

Summer finally came to the Seattle area and the temperatures were in the 90's. Clearly it was time to set up the pool. (Actually it is two pools, one for Audrey and a little one for Olivia, and a slip and slide. There is fun to be had by all.)

Audrey does a sort of commando crawl down the slip and slide.

She's almost there!

"Um.... I don't get it. Could somebody show me how this is supposed to be fun."

"A little splashing might make it better!"

"Yippee I love it!"

A fizzled and drizzled 4th of July

The weather man said that the 4th of July would be sunny and warm. I had bought the girls matching shorts sets the day before based on this forecast. I should have known better. Oh well at least they looked cute!

Olivia watching the parade on her first 4th of July.

Audrey can pose with any prop - even her used lollipop stick. I see her with a future in commercials.

We were supposed to go and spend the rest of the day in Bellevue to watch the fireworks, but it started pouring so we ended up at one of our favs, The Spaghetti Factory for dinner. It wasn't the BBQ we had planned on, but it was darn good! These pictures were taken while we waited for our table.

I know what Audrey is thinking: "My sister is crazy".

I know what Olivia is thinking: "Could you please loosen your grip!"

Olivia refusing to participate.

Harmony at last.

Audrey is a great Big Sister!

Audrey is always eager to help out with Olivia, and the other night she asked if she could help to feed Olivia her dinner. Olivia was so excited to have her big sister giving her spoonfuls.

Thanks big sis! You did such a good job!

Pool time at Grandad and Zelda's house.

We took a trip to Maryland to visit family and it was hot! Thank goodness Grandad and Zelda have a pool!

Happy girl keeping cool!

Getting some help with flotation from Aunt Rachel.

Shelly and Audrey - bathing beauties.

Shelly and Audrey - bathing divas.

Miss Sassy

Okay Audrey that's enough posing, time to get into the pool.

Well maybe one more with Aunt Rachel!

Olivia's first time in a pool.

I think she likes it!

So much fun!

Ridin' on a camel

We took a trip to the Point Defiance Zoo and Audrey went on a camel ride.

Audrey told us that she felt like a princess, but that it would have been more "princess like" to ride a horse. I told her that Princess Jasmin from Aladin rode on a camel and she was back to her regal self again. What land did you come from again Princess Audrey?

Story time with Daddy

We love to read together with Daddy!

"The story is getting good!!!!!" (Audrey may have a different opinion.)


Olivia likes to inspect her food. If it doesn't come in a jar she can become a bit apprehensive and has to check it out. 

She will then proceed with caution for a taste. (Look at her face, does she think that we are going to poison her?)

This snack passed the test!

Oh but when it comes to any non food items.............. absolutely no hesitation! (I am not a bad parent - the shoe was brand new : ) 

Olivia loves to be put upside down.

Hello there!

"Yes I am having another bad hair day."

"Don't make fun of me."

"Ok, I guess it is a little funny!"